Monday, July 26, 2010


We made it home yesterday after a long weekend of traveling. We took a 3 hour bus ride from Queretaro to Mexico City, stayed the night in a hotel at the airport, got up at 3 am to catch our 6:45 am flight, flew to San Francisco and had a 7.5 hour layover (ugggh. And there was nowhere for us to store our carryons so we could go into downtown to waste time, so we lugged it around the airport all day) then flew from San Francisco to Portland, where Ben picked us up and we stayed the night at Daniel and Anna's, drove to Nate's aunt and uncle's in SW Portland to chill for a few hours, then drove home to Eugene. We're staying at my parent's house right now as we look for another place to live. We looked at some places today and found a couple of duplexes that we really like and put applications in for (fortunately it's the same company, so we just did choice #1 and choice #2). Hoping to stay in the Ferry Street Bridge area of Eugene because that seems to be the most convenient for us for getting to work, U of O and my parent's for when we drop Madelynn off.
Madelynn is so happy to be home! She has been having so much fun playing with everybody and has been eating EVERYTHING. It's like she's making up for the 6 weeks we were gone and eating everything she can get her hands on that she didn't eat in Mexico. She's been going to the backyard multiple times and picking blueberries and eating them. And it is so nice for us to be able to just let her run around and get into whatever she wants to because it's pretty well baby-proofed over here. She can climb all over the furniture, run around outside and get into pretty much anything she wants to without us having to worry about anything. So nice! Once Nate and I start feeling better and get over this respiratory virus we've both got, we want to start taking her swimming a lot. And it will be nice to take her to parks with decent grass and swings that we don't have to worry about her falling out of (which she did last week- fortunately Nate caught her by her feet before she hit her head).
I don't think I want to leave the country again for a while (unless it's Canada). At least for a couple more years. We've had our share of weird foreign sickness for the next few years. Right now, it's not a question of IF we got parasites, but what kind and how many. We started taking black walnut extract to kill whatever we may have picked up.

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